Monday, June 13, 2011

Road Apple 5K- Race Day!!

I had several goals for the first race of the year.  The first goal was to get myself back in 5K shape (aka- I could run the whole thing without stopping for a break).  This goal was accomplished. 

My second goal was to finish with a better time than last year. The time to beat was 34 minutes.  Yes, that is slow but that was our first race and we HATED running.  This goal was also accomplished. 

My third goal was to finish at or under 30 minutes.  I still don't really know what my 'official' time is, but according to my watch it should be about 30 minutes and 30 seconds.  If I was hard on myself, I would probably be disappointed that it was a little over my goal, but I actually feel good about this time.

The race is a flat paved trail and raises money to benefit the 'Rails to Trails'.  The trail, which we run on near our house, is a converted railroad.  Half of it is to be used for running and biking and the other side is for horses and buggies (because we live in Amish country)..... hence the name 'Road Apple 5K'.

The race started at 8 AM.  There were probably 60 runners.  When they started the race, I could tell right away that this one was going to be difficult for me.  My shins were burning and it was a little humid out. There were other's in the race that I knew so I focused on them as we started the race.  I tried keep up with them, however, after the first mile, I started to struggle.  I'm pretty sure that the first mile was a speed record for me.  The time keeper at the first mile marker barked out 8:40 as I crossed.  I looked down at my heart rate monitor and my heart rate was in the 180s (that's high for me).  I knew that I could not keep up this pace, but I tried. 

At the turn around point, as I was coming back to the finish line, I hit a HUGE wall.  I didn't even feel like I had the choice but to slow down.  I wanted to try to get my heart rate back to the 160-170s.  As I slowed down, people started to pass me and that was frustrating.  I tried to pick my pace back up, but my body wouldn't let me.

The only issue I have with this race, other than having to share with the buggies and dodging horse do-do, is that the home-stretch seems so long.  Obviously, this isn't the race's fault, but it seems like a never ending left turn.  You can never really see too far ahead as the trail gradually turns.  About the time you think you are close to the finish line, you really aren't.  I compare it to having to pee really bad and the toilet is so close but seems so far away.  It's always worse as you get closer to the finish line.  I just wanted to suffering to stop.

As the finish line drew closer, I did try to sprint to the finish.  That didn't work.  It's probably best that it didn't.  I'm sure my legs would have probably given out and I would have fallen on my face. 

All in all, I think this race went ok.  I definitely did better than Julie and I did last year.  Hopefully, Julie will be able to run with me in some of the upcoming 5Ks this summer.  It definitely is lonely running by myself and it does help to have someone there to push me.  It would also be nice if my shin splints would go away.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.  It felt great to achieve some of the goals I had for myself.  We/I will be running more races soon and hopefully achieving more of our goals.


  1. You should have invited isaac to join you, then you would have had someone to run with. haha!
