Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our Little Buddy

Captain Theodore McPuppy (AKA Teddy)
For those of you who don't know, we have a dog named Teddy that we love (some probably think too much, but we don't care).  He is our best buddy.  He is a 4 lb Yorkie.  I will admit that I was a little hesitant to get a dog when Julie first approached me about getting a puppy 3 years ago.  I did not want the responsibility and I generally just didn't think it was a good idea. However, it didn't take long for him and I to become best friends.  We bonded right away because I was the one that would get up in the middle of the night to take him to go potty and I spoiled him with treats. 

What a stud.
I never thought that I could become a softy for anything, let alone a dog.  But now, we are inseparable.  He comes with us to Michigan.  He goes on walks and bike rides with us.  He even protects us from the evil pig and toads outside our house (it's a plastic pig... but he must know something we don't).  At night he sleeps between us and sometimes under the covers. 

Teddy has made me realize that I love dogs more than I love people (most people).  You put a homeless dog on the side of the road and a homeless person on the side of the road, I will feel more sorry for the dog than the person.  Why?  I'm not sure.  I suppose because I feel like the dog doesn't really have a choice.

Seriously.  AW!!!!!!

It's wonderful to have something in my life that no matter what, loves me.  For instance, if I put Julie and Teddy in the trunk of my car for a couple of hours... who is going to be happy to see me when I open it up?  I know my little buddy will be there wagging his tail the entire time ('little buddy' is not my pet name for my wife).  My wife would first deck me, then shoot me, then send me divorce papers. So, how can you not love something that no matter what happens, they love you back with all of their heart?

Teddy and I sleeping.
Julie is going to tell me that I need to post something on here that is fitness/health/food related.  Ok, so here ya go.... Teddy weighs 4 lbs.  He does not need to go on a diet nor does he need to exercise.  We cannot eat him.  Firstly, he doesn't have much meat on him.  He is mainly fur.  Secondly, he probably tastes like Pupperoni since that is his favorite treat.  Thirdly, I haven't been able to find any recipes that contain puppy.  Lastly, that's just wrong.  What Teddy does is really makes our house feel like a home.  I do not have a degree in psychology...oh wait... yes I do.  But I am not a psychologist.  However, I do know that a happy home is a great way to promote a good mental health.  In my unprofessional opinion, a healthy lifestyle includes good mental health.  You may not need a dog to make you happy, but finding something to love and to love you back is a great way to brighten up your life.

This post is in memory of Baby, Teddy's mom.  She passed away last Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I love dogs over people. And yes, I feel worse for the homeless dogs than I do homeless people. But that's only because people are assholes, and dogs aren't.
