Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Far Was That?

When we first started running I though it would be very simple - get out the old Nikes and go for a run.  But of course, the further you get into running, the more you realize it's just not that simple.  Technology, gadgets, specialty clothing, specific shoes, etc all help to make running easier and more enjoyable (although some are not necessary).

One website that we have found very helpful is

Another plus to using this website is that you can also figure distance on more than just roads (like bike trials, for example).

You can choose to measure distance in miles or kilometers.  You can choose a "map" view or a satellite view.  We prefer the satellite view  so that you can identify makers for a "turnaround" point if you're running an "out and back" route.

Stop guessing how long you run or driving your car around to messure the route you run/walk/bike, and give this website a try.

1 comment:

  1. I found that the route mapper on the US Track and Field website is much more user friendly. Check it out. You can also get some inspiration there too!
